Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Directions

So, ladies and gentlemen (otherwise known as just myself), I haven't written on this blog in ages. Part of the reason is that I started it before blogging was really something that was all that outward. I was perfectly happy just to write notes to myself about this that and the other, including books.
So, since likely no one is disappointed when I'm silent on the subject for months or years on end, I've let it slide.
But just in case any of you out there are reading, I'm honing the use for this blog once again. It started on inspiration from a book -- Hugh Hewitt's In, But Not Of. Then it morphed into reviews of books I've read more or less.
Now, I plan on using it just to chronical beautiful bits of writing or ideas in those books I read.
I have a finely honed system of underlining, highlighting, dog-earring pages of books I read. But I so often want all those bits in one place. So now, I plan on chronicling those here once I've finished a particularly good book.
I don't promise I'll be much better. It could still be months or years between postings. That's up to the writers I read. I recently realized that if I keep up my present pace of about a book per week, throughout my life, I'll likely only read about another 2,000 books in my lifetime. While that's a big number, there are infinite numbers of excellent books out there, so it seems so limiting. I rarely reread a book, but I often want to go back through the great ideas from a book I've read and enjoyed.
So I'll be writing little bits here, or lots of bits, that I underlined in books I particularly enjoyed.
The End
Or is it the beginning?


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