Monday, May 30, 2005


I have decided that these are my least favorite places on earth. This morning I had to take my Matty to the airport so he could fly to Guam to be deported on the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk. I am very thankful for what our U.S. Navy does, please don't get me wrong, but that was possibly the hardest thing I've ever had to do. So I've decided to take the healthy approach and displace all my hatred onto airports. I've never been very fond of flying myself, but even when you aren't boarding a big hunk of metal that is supposed to remain suspended in the air, an airport is a scary place. First of all, they just let any sort of sketchy creature that lays down a certain amount of money in an enclosed space with hundreds of other people. Second, they are very stressful. There are at least 437 steps that you have to go to to get on one of these floating metal hunks. Thirdly, they are ugly. In short, I just don't like them. I will remain in my state of hatred until July 3, on which it will probably be my favorite place on the planet. In the meantime, I have a song to leave you all with. This is a beautiful tune by John Mayer. The lyrics are so appropriate for the changing seasons of life, which I'm dealing with many of right now.

People have the right to fly
And will when it gets compromised
Their hearts say 'move along'
Their minds say 'gotcha heart'
'Let's move it along'

And airports see it all the time
Where someone's last goodbye
Blends in with someone's sigh
Cause someone's coming home
In hand a single rose

And that's the way this wheel keeps working now
That's the way this wheel keeps working now
And I won't be the last
No I won't be the last
To love her

You can't build a house of leaves
And live like it's an evergreen
It's just a season thing
It's just this thing the seasons do

And that's the way this wheel keeps working now
That's the way this wheel keeps working now
And you don't be the first
No you won't be the first
To love me

You can find me
If you ever want again
I'll be around the bend
I'll be around the bend
I'll be around

And if you never stop when you wave goodbye
You just might find if you give it time you will wave hello again
You just might wave hello again

And that's the way this wheel keeps working now
That's the way this wheel keeps working now

You can't love too much one part of it
You can't love too much one part of it

I believe that my life's gonna see
That love I give returned to me

Monday, May 23, 2005


It's over, people... two graduations, many celebratory "let me take you to breakfast/lunch/dinners", tons of family and friends come and gone, one big bash of a party from mom and dad, and thousands of pictures, and I've done it. I walked across that stage Saturday night at approximately 7:15 p.m. and I now have a college diploma. Hurray! Thanks, everyone, for your love and support. I'm truly grateful, and I couldn't have done it without you. Now, if I can just find a job and get out of your hair...

Friday, May 20, 2005

It's a Graduation Countdown!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen! Only 1 more day, 4 hours, and 47 minutes until that song of great cheer, "Pomp and Circumstance," starts playing on the great lawn of Ayers Courtyard. (And thanks to the miracle of Irislink, I found out this morning that I did pass all my classes. Whew!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The Countdown Is On!

It's a graduation countdown! Hurray! Just four more days, people, and your favorite blogger will be a proud college graduate.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Toby the Bunny

Some of y'all may have seen this already, and I'm not really sure what to make of it, but if nothing else, it is interesting. Check out this website and let me know what you think.