Saturday, September 17, 2005

Current Book

Well, I know this is unprecedented for me, but two in one day is what you're going to get. I just couldn't wait to tell all about this book I am reading today.
(A side note about how really ridiculously true it is how often I start a new book, a little story from a conversation I had with Matt this week:
He called on my lunch break and said, "What are you doing?" and I said, "Reading." He said, "What are you reading?" I answered "The Ginger Tree" (it's a book by Oswald Wynd, fabulous... about a woman who moves to China at the beginning of the 20th century; it's set up in a diary style, which I always enjoy). He exclaimed, surprised, "You were reading that yesterday too! Wow, must be really good.)
(And a note out about Matty and how wonderful he is to actually have listened and remembered something I said two days in a row. No offense, men, but you know that's quite a feat. Kudos, Matthew.)
Anyway, to what I am reading today. I grew up in a very Southern, meat and potatoes, suburbia, Baptist, Mom-and-Dad-are-still-married-to-each-other kind of family. Not to be stereotypical, but we often don't hear much about Judaism in these realms, but for some reason, my mom has always been fascinated with the Hebrews and their culture. I, not being Jewish, really was somewhat indifferent. Being a Christian, I knew that they are God's chosen race, so I love them, but as far as their culture and traditions, I really didn't know much.
A couple of years ago, I read a book on recommendation from my baby sister (who is no longer a baby; she's in college, but I will always refer to her as my baby sister) who read it on recommendation from her best friend who could have been a clone of my best friend, so I knew it should be good. It was called "A Return to Modesty" by Wendy Shalit. Wendy, if you're out there, reading this somehow, please, please write more, because I devoured that book. I acctually finished it (which should be a testament to how good it is), not once, but three times! Now before all you feminists scoff at the word "modesty" still being used today, in the 21st century, you should really give this book a try. It gave a voice to what I and so many other strong women have felt for so long. I won't give it all away, but it truely is superb.
Anyway, I digress often. Have you noticed? But Ms. Shalit was Jewish, and one of my first true introductions to just a taste of their culture and traditions. It's really fascinating. So much rich history.
Then I came across this book, "Girl Meets God." It's about a Christian girl, who grew up Orthodox Jew, who is trying to marry the two religions she so loves. Another recommendation, this author, I heard about through another author I love, love, love (Donald Miller), and she has definitely been no disappointment. The title and cover give it no justice. It looks kinda trite "God and my girlfriend" kinda literature, but it's deep and felt and honest. I'm really enjoying her and learning more about the Jewish culture.
So, that's my latest recommendation. If you've read it, please let me know what you think. And if you haven't, go hit up Barnes and Noble.