Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Hurray... People are reading!

A big THANKS to "Yoni" who is my first friend in the land of Blogging! It's fun to know that people are out there... we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto. I have officially entered the real world, commonly known to others as the 21st century. I could use your help for all you people who are more versed at this than I am. What is a Blog Roll and how do you make one? Anyway, until I find out, you people really should check out Yoni's site: There ya go.
I just have one tip to pass along to everyone today. This is actually an excerpt from an email I was writing to a friend, so you know if it doesn't all make sense to you, it wasn't written to you, unless you're Michael. But when I was done, and proofreading my email (I know, I know... I'm probably the only one who does this, but Ms. Goodwin, my high school English teacher, warped me), I thought this was possibly the longest, parenthetical sentence ever written, and quite humorous, if I do say so myself, but I just couldn't bring myself to fix any of it cause it's all stuff you need to know. Anyway, a helpful thought to keep in mind about cell phones:
"Drats on Rob for telling you I lost your number, because I specifically asked him not to tell you, but alas, I found it anyway, so it doesn't matter, and now it is safe and securely saved away on my SIM card in my new phone (by the way, I'm sure you know this, but you shouldn't just save numbers to your phone book, but also to your SIM card... a little more trouble, but very worth it in case you ever, say... wake up in the middle of the night and reach over for the glass of water you have on your dresser beside your bed because even though you never wake up in the middle of the night, you are a very prepared person in case you do, and also because you are prepared, you keep your cell phone beside you (if you were so popular as me and you are always awakened at all hours by adoring friends who just have to talk to you) and end up spilling the rather large glass of water all over your phone and it ends up never working again, unexplainably because your sister has the exact same phone as you do, and she once dropped it in a pool and claims it was emersed in water for at least 30 seconds before she got to it, but hers never broke but yours did and you never saved your phone numbers and so you lost tons of important people like yourself and had to gather them all back slowly and it's really annoying to them and you and it takes forever to put them all back in and even then, you know there are people you've forgotten, so you really just should save them all onto your SIM card at the beginning)."


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