Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy Father's Day

Yes, I know, I've got my holiday's mixed up. It's St. Patrick's Day (pinch, pinch), but June 18th has more in common with my book selection than green beer and shamrocks (though for some of you, the dad-beer correlation is strong too).
Now before I hail the greatness of my latest book recommendation, I must start by saying that I have the best father, no Daddy, ever.
My Daddy is kind, supportive, loving, firm, stable, and strong. It's almost unfathomable to me to have lived without that support. I'm certain though, I would be a vastly different person. I have many friends though that weren't so fortunate. I have a precious friend who had an amazing daddy, until she was about 10 years old. He was heroicly killed fighting a fire. I have other friends who's dad's lived in the house, but had little interaction with their sons. What they did teach them was to run around on their woman, or to withdrawl emotionally from their families.
I've never met Don Miller, but after reading 3 books by him, I feel like he's a friend. His father left when he was young, so he does know what it's like to grow up without a dad.
"To Own A Dragon" is about his journey to find out what he missed growing up. By the time the book starts, Don has already realized the hole that this void has left him with. And Don explains the processes he went through, from teenage neighbors next door, to youth ministers, to roommates, that all played a part in the stand-in dad.
If you grew up an absolute Daddy's girl like I did, this will only make you appreciate what you never had to miss, but if you grew up like Don, perhaps his healing will show you a bit of grace.


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