About Me
Well, as you have taken time out of your important life to read this, I thought it might be nice if I graced you all with some information about myself. Despite my mother's crazed warnings not to divulge too much personal information, I'll give you what I can. (Sorry, I just can't let you in on my home address, social security number, etc... I mean, I wanted to, but mom just says it's not a good idea.) But then again, you aren't a psycho lunatic trying to stalk me, are you?
Some basic information (in whatever random order these things come into my head):
Sex: Female
Occupation: Student (a small, private college in Tennessee)
Physical Appearance: 5'4", 115 lbs., long brown hair, brown eyes... just your average gal
Hobbies: reading, shopping, karate (a new found love), watching college basketball
Originally From: Kentucky... the Bluegrass State!
Aspirations: graduate (in May!!!!), grad school, possibly doctorate someday in Child Psychology to be an elementary school guidance counselor or perhaps have my own family practice... but ultimately, I would love to be married and have a family and be a stay-at-home mom
Favorite City: Chicago
Nicknames: Spice, G-G, Ginger Snap, Ginger Bread (every variation of that spice there ever was, I've been called it), Dream Princess (only Daddy is allowed to call me that)... I also answer to Beautiful, Gorgeous, etc. :)
Siblings: I have one precious younger sister... she is hands-down, the funniest person I know.
Favorite car: I love my Sweet Pepper (Ford Escort ZX2), but I'd love a Jag or Mercedes someday... when I meet and marry that rich husband of mine.
Collections: I collect those squashed pennies. You know those ones that you get for $0.51 at every touristy place and then you lose them by the time you've gotten home? Well, I still have all of mine. I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE books. I have a ton of those. Oh, and quotes... I've had a quote book for many years, so feel free to submit any you think are worthwhile.
Ethnic Background: My grandmother is Irish and other grandparents are German.
Pets: No pets
Religion: Christianity
Smoke: nope... ew.
Best Friend: Ginny
Favorite Color: red
Pet Peeve: Fake people
Favorite Food: Chocolate!!!!
Favorite Disney Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Favorite Game: Monopoly
Favorite Outfit: Any one of seven (yes, I bought the exact same shirt in seven colors I loved it so much) of these stretchy, balet necked shirts from Express and my white Banana cords. And no outfit is complete without a great pair of hiiigh heels. (Of course, this changes once a week... so I'll keep you posted.)
Favorite Season: Spring
Resturant: Maccaroni Grill or McDonalds
Well, I'm sure much more will come out as the years go by. I hope this just helps get that meaningless, first date kinda info. Until next time...